Laboratory solution
ERP system with LIMS connection
The laboratory solution for contract laboratories
In the traditional contract laboratory, the process begins with the acquisition, the offer and the order, that is, in the CRM. Depending on the depth and quality of the commercial order data, basic orders for the laboratory can be generated from a confirmed order at the touch of a button. Alternatively, the laboratory orders are created manually and only assigned to the commercial order. When the laboratory orders are completed, the subsequent activity, the accounting, can be triggered automatically in the workflow.
The contract laboratory usually has complex laboratory equipment and outsources testing tasks to external companies only in exceptional cases.
In addition to the basic functions for the recording of orders, samples, limit values and measured values, iLIMS also offers the perfect solution here. Both CRM and sales were developed on the same technological platform to enable you, as a user, to get a solution from a single source, without interfaces, and with a uniform user interface.
ERP solution
- In addition to the iLIMS standard roles (laboratory technician, laboratory manager, administrator), additional specific roles and rights are often required in the contract laboratory
- iLIMS provides a wide range of possibilities for setting this up in a company-specific manner via the freely configurable role concept and authorisations for masks, attributes and data records
- Legal and natural persons as business partners
- Duplicate check for a qualitatively good data base
- Management of all activities (reports, mails, telephone calls, ...) directly at the customer’s site
- Execution of campaigns across the entire business partner portfolio
- TAPI interface for direct telephone calls from customer management
- Display of essential data from financial accounting (if available)
- Contains all functions of iLIMS basis
- Deviation is communicated to the customer promptly (e.g., mail dispatch to distribution list)
- Test reports can be set up in a customer-specific manner
- Further documentation can be filed and also sent to the customer
- Customers can obtain direct access to their orders via web access (requires individual consulting)
- Multi-stage approval workflow to ensure the necessary quality before sending the test reports
Addional modules
We recommend the following additional modules in the contract laboratory
Particularly in the case of larger laboratories, it is not sufficient for the laboratory technician to merely record measured values, re-check them and release them for the test report. As a complementary measure, a multi-level release can be established here. Each action is linked to a function, so that, for example, the laboratory manager receives a message via ToDo or email when a laboratory order is completed.